InToto v1.5 Data Sheet

Choose from the topics below to find out more about InToto:

Web Server
Web Statistics
PC E-Mail Gateway
E-Mail List Management
Directory Server
E-Mail Security Enhancement
News Server Software
Secure FTP Server
Accurate Time Server
Break-in Detection
Password Checker
Network Boot Server
System Programming Language
Client Software

Web Server

A basic World Wide Web server that takes care of most Internet and intranet needs.

Web Statistics

Automatic statistical and graphical logs of Web service.

PC E-Mail Gateway

Implementations of POP/IMAP4 to allow PCs and other computers to access mail.

E-Mail List Management

This program automates for the system administrator the management of mailing lists similar to listserv.

Directory Server

Implementation of LDAP which provides a stand-alone directory service to the network, or can provide lightweight access to the X.500 directory.

E-Mail Security Enhancement

A program designed to close one of the most frequently exploited holes in sendmail by restricting the use of the program mailer to only those programs approved by the system administrator.

News Server Software

This server allows clients to read threaded news and is a gateway for news to e-mail and vice-versa communication.

Secure FTP Server

This server is preconfigured for anonymous FTP login and file transfer. It is feature-rich and includes the ability to control access down to the directory level.

Accurate Time Server

Sets and automatically maintains a Unix system's time-of-day in agreement with Internet standard time servers. This prevents problems associated with inaccurate date and time stamping, including related security problems.

Break-in Detection

Assists in detecting break-ins by monitoring a designated set of files for changes. Used for system files on a regular (e.g., daily) basis, this program can notify system administrators of corrupted or tampered files, so damage control measures can be taken in a timely manner. With the advent of increasingly sophisticated and subtle account break-ins on Unix systems, the need for tools to aid in the detection of unauthorized modification of files becomes clear.

Password Checker

Often, a simple password is all that prevents unauthorized access to your system, and it is important that passwords be non-obvious and non-guessable. This program can perform a verification on user's passwords by checking to see if they are obvious or easily guessed. This can help close a major security hole from attack from the Internet or from within the company.

Network Boot Server

Implementation of DHCP providing booting services to network clients. Client information, such as IP address, can be kept on a server and provided to the client when it boots. IP addresses can be allocated dynamically, which reduces the time required to manage constantly-changing TCP/IP networks.

System Programming Language

Perl is included because some of the software (such as the Web statistics programs) requires it. In addition, Perl is generally useful in system administration duties and other tasks.

Client Software

Character-based clients for testing server funtionality is included.